Thought for the day

Thought for the day: "You do what you are afraid to do, continue to do so ... It is the quickest and surest way ever discovered that overcomes fear. Most important and remembered things in this world are accomplished by people who continue to try even when it seemed that there was no hope. No one is rich while others do not get rich.'' - Dale Carnegie


“If you act like you can do something, then it will work.” ― Steve Jobs

The Key of Success

The key of success in this business, as we all know, is duplication.

My personal experience convinced me that the real magic formula each sponsor (you and me included) has, is another one: “have faith, follow the path never give up”.

Why this? Because it’s absolutely true that your success in this business depends exclusively on you and on your SERIOUS affiliates, certainly not on your lazy, hesitant or unmotivated ones.

So, if you currently have only lazy, hesitant or unmotivated affiliates and you (…and you’re not alone) don’t have any magic formula to transform them, how could you possibly build a solid and profitable team for the years to come?

There is only one possibility: don’t waste your time with them and keep sponsoring new people and let the natural selection do its job: that’s how you will start to see the good seeds germinating and blooming until you get those serious ones you’re looking for. In nature, good germination occurs when water and oxygen are present at a favorable temperature. But, even if all conditions are good, only a percentage of seeds will germinate. You as their sponsor, can only help to create the good conditions for them to bloom, but you can’t oblige them. So, if you know that your goal is to find those 5 Serious affiliates with whom you will build your (and their) financial future, what are the best things you can do in order to stop losing potential commissions every month (which is much more expensive than investing some dollars in advertising every month)? Here you are:

1) Keep sponsoring new affiliates (Methods For Affiliate Sponsoring)
2) Follow them up (Rules of Success)3) Discover the blooming workers (Work with the workers)
4) Teach them to do the same (Lead By Example)

And above all: NEVER GIVE UP repeating the routine above, until your 5 serious affiliates have duplicated the method up to a minimum of 3 generations. Which means you’ll have: - 5 children- 25 grandchildren- 125 grand great grandchildren While this minimum duplication hasn’t occurred, you can’t be sure you really found those 5 “serious” ones. Only facts and results determine how “serious” (about this business of course) an affiliate is. And these generations listed above are the only facts that really matter to you. I see often people a bit frustrated after getting their first 10/15 Affiliates from the Co-op. But this quantity of Affiliates is not enough of course and it’s not even statistically significant. Bear in mind that when you recruit (sponsor) affiliates, from any kind of source (co-op or your personal advertising), you can only have a single certitude: they are potentially interested in making money. Period. But this doesn’t mean at all that they will become active > Executive Affiliates > Team Leaders > Serious Affiliates.

So how can you influence this process?

As said above, you can only help to create good conditions where they can germinate and grow (you see how you can do this here: 
Be An Awesome Sponsor. That been done, just let the SFI system do the work for you, being aware that their success depends exclusively on them, not on you.
 On your side, if you really want to be successful, you must HAVE FAITH enough to keep sponsoring people (ESPECIALLY when you don’t see any result from your existing Affiliates),  FOLLOW THE PATH described above and NEVER GIVE UP until you’ve reached ALL your dreamed financial goals 

Think BIG!

 So, the question is: do you have any “dreamed financial goal”? Because be sure that if you don’t have it … you’ll never achieve it! 
is a good tool which helps everyone to have and achieve a basic goal ($3 000 per month), which represents the runway from which you can take-off to all kinds of financial destinations. With NO Limit! 
Enjoy your business.

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